Los extrema derecha

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

La extrema derecha', o ultraderecha son términos utilizados en política para describir movimientos y partidos políticos que sostienen un discurso ultranacionalista, xenófobo y autoritario, con una tendencia populista en defensa de la identidad nacional que puede no abogar por el mantenimiento de las instituciones y las libertades democráticas. También, se declaran democráticos y sus electores, en casos, no asocian a estos partidos posturas reaccionarias y antidemocráticas, aunque sus dirigentes puedan ser admiradores del fascismo, su estilo agresivo y su carácter excluyente.

Se considera que existe un gobierno de ultraderecha cuando éste, aparte de no promover un mayor igualitarismo (como tendencia), aplica políticas racistas, xenófobas, contrarias a diversas expresiones culturales y religiosas.


Podemos encontrar su origen ideológico en el pensamiento contrarrevolucionario conservador de De maistre que en el siglo XIX y reivindicando la Edad Media como modelo, situaba la ruptura en 1789. De hecho esta postura podría calificarse más exactamente de involucionista.

Sin embargo, el término ultraderecha o extrema derecha es relativamente moderno. Tiene su origen en el lugar donde se sentaban en el parlamento francés surgido tras la Revolución Francesa. Los monárquicos y los conservadores de la época se sentaban siempre en el lado derecho y los liberales en el izquierdo. El término extrema derecha se contrapone a la izquierda radical, y en cierto modo es un movimiento antagónico a las prácticas revolucionarias de la izquierda. En ese contexto aparecieron movimientos contrarrevolucionarios de ultraderecha, especialmente en Francia e Italia.

En la primera mitad del siglo XX, el fascismo y nazismo protagonizaron trágicos episodios en Europa, pero acabaron siendo derrotados. Sin embargo, las ideas que estos movimientos representaban han ido tenido continuidad a lo largo del tiempo, como el Partido Nacionaldemocrata (NPD), fundado en 1964.

En la actualidad:

En la actualidad hay un cierto resurgimiento de estos movimientos, exacerbado por la actual crisis económica y la creciente inseguridad que los ciudadanos ven en su futuro.

En Europa ha aparecido una ultraderecha con un gran sentimiento euroesceptico , antiglobalización, y que lucha contra la inmigracion de una forma nacionalista y en ocasiones, racista. En Europa, tienen una fuerte presencia en países como Holanda, Austria o Italia, donde son muy influyentes, y también en Francia, Reino Unido, Bélgica o Alemania. En España son grupos minoritarios, muy divididos y sin un líder común. Su número no sobrepasa los 10.000 Sin embargo, en Europa existe preocupación por el recuerdo de los episodios de la primera mitad del siglo XX.

Los b-boys

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Segun wikipedia:

La palabra B-boy es el nombre original con el que se conoce a la persona que baila B-boying. Se usa también B-girl o Flygirl para el género femenino. El Jamaicano DJ Kool Herc utilizó este nombre, Break-Boy o Bboy, para referirse a los jóvenes que acudían a sus fiestas y bailaban durante los “Breaks” que el pinchaba. El Bboying es popularmente más conocido como Break Dance (nombre comercial impuesto por la prensa, en sus inicios).

En países como España se malinterpreta el termino utilizándolo para referirse a cualquier persona relacionada con el Hip Hop, incluso aunque no practique ninguno de sus elementos. Gran culpa de esto la tienen los MCs de ese país, que en sus canciones erróneamente introducen el termino B-boy para referirse tanto al que pinta, como al que mezcla, como al que rapea, como al que baila, etc.

Durante la década de los Años 1960 hubo una gran inmigración por parte de familias Puertorriqueñas a zonas como Brooklyn y el Bronx en New York. Esta ola de inmigrantes Hispanos transformó considerablemente la distribución de comunidades en los diferentes barrios, en los que hasta entonces predominaban familias italianas, irlandesas, judías, etc. Con ellos trajeron su religión, cultura, música, bailes, etc.

Cuando algunos de los Rockers empezaron a bajar al piso para hacer sleepys (paso en el que un Rocker bajaba al suelo y hacia como que se dormía para representar que el baile de su oponente le aburría tanto que le hacia entrar sueño), o para ir girando sobre las puntas de los pies en cuclillas, eso estaba aún considerado parte del Rocking. No era más que un estilo diferente dentro del baile del Rocking. En cuanto a la proliferación del baile más allá de Brooklyn, la teoría es que en algún punto, seguramente en un club de Manhattan, chicos del distrito del Bronx, al norte del distrito de Manhattan, vieron bailar a otros chicos de Brooklyn. Lo que ellos vieron fue Rocking, y eso les fascinó; especialmente los jerks, (que es lo que hoy en día se conoce en Bboying como un ‘Up-Rock’) y así los incluyeron, a su manera y sin saber exactamente como hacer un jerk correctamente, en su baile.

En esa época el barrio del Bronx estaba predominado por población pobre negra (afro americanos, jamaicanos, etc.) y una minoría hispana (puertorriqueños, dominicanos…). Al igual que en Brooklyn, los diferentes comunidades conservaron y transmitieron a las generaciones más jóvenes su cultura, su música, su baile, etc. De ahí que el baile evolucionase tan rápidamente en el Bronx.
Uno de los personajes clave en la historia del Bboying tal y como lo conocemos hoy en día fue James Brown. James Brown era un artista plenamente consagrado a finales de los 60’ entre la población negra de los Estados Unidos gracias a la larga lista de éxitos que durante toda esa década fue acumulando, entre ellos su disco de 1963 “Live at the Apollo“(Apollo es un teatro en el barrio de Harlem en el distrito de Manhattan).
Breakdance es el nombre comercial utilizado por los medios de comunicación en los 70 para describir el Bboying o Breaking. Breakdance, aunque generalmente aceptado, es en su esencia el término incorrecto para referirse al Bboying o Breaking.

En este video de youtube os vamos a mostrar a uno de los mejores b-boy del momento.

The gangster

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010

A gangster (in English, gangster) is a career criminal at some point almost invariably becomes a member of a violent and persistent member organization, which in English is known as gang ( "gang").

Generally, this term is used to refer to members of criminal syndicates based in the United States as the American branch of the Cosa Nostra (the Five Families) in New York or Chicago Outfit, and individual criminals as Al Capone and Bugsy Siegel.

The visible of their activities can go from almost undetectable, as drug trafficking or the protection of the spectacle as the multibillion robbery Brinks Mat warehouse at Heathrow Airport, UK [1] (from which it never recovered 10 tons of gold stolen).

Other activities that have been highlighted are the game [2] or trafficking of alcohol during Prohibition.

The gangsters often take their business activities as far as offering a product or service, however illegal, or sometimes used real legitimate business as a cover for criminal activity.

Some gangsters, sometimes called thugs, are specialized in extortion, intimidation, and / or bribery to maintain some influence over labor unions. Has also been known to have attempted to manipulate the decisions of civil institutions, such as lawsuits or political elections. [3]

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

According to wikipedia:
A gamer (gamer in meaning in English) is the term used in the Spanish language to define the type of gamers that are characterized by playing with great commitment and interest and have a diverse range of knowledge about video games. To refer to this concept in English we use the term hardcore gamer. Put more simply, a gamer is someone who is dedicated to the games a lot of hours (playing and reports), or daily, a "viciae.

The gamer is a gamer who has great passion and interest in play and know about video games and their main interest, besides enjoying the game, is finish high records and make full use of the same, making it different, the so-called casual gamer, which just playing to play or to spend a fun time without major goals, in some cases trying to end the game.
Differences with the casual gamer:

gamer is different from the casual gamer, casual gamer in that generally prefers the game console or cheaper, easier to use and play, or simply that it is fashionable. Usually there is little knowledge about construction, quality, and other more specific issues of video games.

The casual player does not have the "gamer culture" that is, knowing what is a texture, Video Card, etc.., And therefore does not care or bother to install it, looking
at the best only in the graphic quality and popularity. Casual players also fail to appreciate the graphics to specify that define the game as the HDR, shading or other new inclusions computer and therefore never come to understand what is or is interested in knowing.

In contrast to the gamer usually not interested in "casual game" and is mainly concerned with more complex games that are difficult to manage and dominate, they really present a challenge, never mind spending hours and hours practicing to learn and operate all aspects hidden game, dominating and interested in more specific terms and topics as relate
d to graphics, computer, hardware, etc., and it is present and properly used the best technology developments to create the video game industry. Also the gamer is interested in the multiplayer games or online games, and if you can create clans or participate in tournaments to show their abilities. For many, being a gamer is a lifestyle.

These features make the gamer to be considered a kind of geek (geek video game), hence the term gamer is also used to indicate the fanatical gamer, but often
there are big differences between the gamer and the rest of the geek community. Some gamers may suffer cyberaddiction for video games.

Los raperos

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

· Por encima de todo son cronistas sociales por naturaleza. Provienen de todas partes, de todos los barrios. Los puedes encontrar desde estudiantes universitarios, licenciados, torneros, cuenta pro pistas, gastronómicos hasta luchadores. Su principal contradicción es considerar ser artistas profesionales y no tener que alternar su quehacer artístico con algún trabajo . Esto, según ellos, los haría sentirse aficionados y no es lo que quieren. No desechan el término "aficionados" pero alegan que al igual que un cantante lírico, un artista plástico, un poeta o un crítico de arte, o un músico necesitan tiempo para dedicarlo a hacer su música, elaborar sus textos, hacer promoción en la radio o la televisión y nutrirse culturalmente. Muchos otros están sentados en el contén del barrio, dándole caza a lo que sucede cada día para alimentar sus textos. Representan también ese mundo marginal, pero no marginado, relatan en su mayoría esas historias bien cubanas que se suceden cada día en los barrios habaneros como Atares, San Leopoldo, La Victoria o Cayo Hueso donde radican los porcentajes más grandes de la población capitalina. Historias también abordadas por un "tosco" José Luis Cortés, otro cronista de nuestros tiempos. Historias que gozan de un gran respaldo popular y que una minoría que se consideran "críticos" tratan de aplastar diariamente.
· El rapero tiene como principales objetivos ser reconocido en su patio, lograr grabar sus discos y depender económicamente de su trabajo . Por estas razones son considerados por muchos como vagos habituales, porque cuesta creer que el rapero es un artista. El rap es algo empírico, no se estudia y esto en los medios culturales cuesta a la hora de su evaluación e interpretación de sus trabajos, ya que ningún rapero proviene de alguna escuela de arte. En este sentido se ha basado el arduo trabajo del grupo Uno de la Asociación Hermanos Saíz, convocando a estos raperos, audicionándolos, brindándoles apoyo, creando espacios en la radio y la televisión, dándoles acreditación de artistas y sobre todas las cosas respaldándoles culturalmente y estatalmente, algo muy necesario para un género importado con todas las peculiaridades antes expuestas. La imagen y forma de pensar del rapero ha cambiado mucho. Al principio hay que reconocer que hubo copias del "american way", que algunos raperos cubanos trataron de identificarse con sus similares del norte. Hubo guerras verbales y físicas entre algunas agrupaciones. Existieron copias de modas, expresiones y forma de comunicarse. Hoy todo ha cambiado gracias al trabajo mancomunado de muchos y gracias al tiempo que también ubica las cosas en el lugar correcto.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

Origin of the term 'punk'

Our English word "punk" [1] has a derogatory meaning which often varies, applying to objects (meaning "trash", "dirt") or people (meaning "lazy", "despicable", "dirty" or also " trash "and" scum "). It is used as an ironic description of the critical substrate or discontent that contains the music. When used as a label itself, the "punks" (or "punks") set themselves apart from the adaptation to the social roles and stereotypes. Due to the n
ature of this meaning, punk has often been associated with attitudes of self-care, has been used as a means of expressing feelings of uneasiness and hate, and has also accommodate neurotic or self-destructive behaviors.

The term punk is used as the title of a magazine founded in 1976 in New York by John Holmstrom, Ged Dunn and Legs McNeil who wanted a magazine that spoke of everything they liked: reruns on TV, drinking beer, sex, cheeseburgers, comics, movies, series B, and the strange rock n 'roll that sounded more filthy dens in the city: Velvet Underground, Stooges and New York Dolls, among others [2].

Later the meaning also serve to inspire the leftist currents of gender, as a condition tag that undoes the role of social class or with debts of reputation or appearanc
Philosophy punk:
Punk is the constant struggle against fear of social repercussions

In its original nature, the punk culture has been primarily on individual freedom, which tends to create beliefs in concepts such as individualism, anti-authoritarianism, anarchism and free thought. Punk ideology have often included a critical view of the
world, modern societies see the setting of limits on humanity. This ideology is usually expressed through punk music. In the early 70's, the "punks" had a very different philosophy now, was the idea of having that "There is no future" (no future, no future). This concept was pessimistic, desperate, destructive and aggressive towards society.
But now is not the same thing thirty years ago but remain the same kind of punk.

* It boils down to "do it yourself", "do it your way" (in English "Do It Yourself").
* To reject dogma, and not seek a single truth.
* Do not act on the fashion and media manipulation in addition to being anti-consumerism.
* Think for yourself.
The punk, although in some shadows began to be somewhat aggressive, is consolidated by its current features in a form of social consciousness and idealistic and philosophical current stylist at all.The original form of punk was an expressionist form of transgression, seeking freedom from corsets aesthetic and oppression, authority and disagree in conventional society, as well as social stigma. The original punk did not bother looking for explanations and bumping provisions, offending and annoying, always being "politically incorrect" and the opposite of good taste, morality and tradition. At first it was basically a set of attitudes and musical aesthetics of transgression (in dress, hairstyle, etc..) Accompanying a series of acts of daily discomfort, which were rising.
Later, especially with the emergence of hardcore punk, neglect or self-destructive demonstrations were losing prominence, and made this a whole range of approaches with more conscious intent, with an emphasis on social and cultural criticism and political positions, associations and affinity protest campaigns.

Are often associated with punk some political ideologies such as anarchism, anti-capitalism, anti-militarism and anti-fascism. From politicized punk movement, there is a constant debate critical to making those who are fans of punk for aesthetic or musical, leaving aside the social and political approach.

Moreover, because of the offender and sometimes violent punk, some groups have existed in their music include a message or cutting right-wing backgr
ound, but overall the movement is defined as close to the left.

The latin kings

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

The Latin Kings ( "Latin Kings") are a gang consisting mainly of Latin American members. They started the Chicago area and New York but has expanded through other U.S. cities. UU., Latin America and Europe, specifically Spain. Although the Latin Kings are trying to portray themselves as a mere association in defense of young South American origin.
The Latin Kings are dressed in yellow and black because the sun is yellow and black because it hides his face, his past in which the Latin races lived in the shadows as their sacred literature.
They greet each other with three fingers into a crown, and are passionate about Rap and Kilgim, a kind of religion that mixes rap with prayers. The gold
chains are a symbol of power.
Meaning of Symbols

Most important to the Latin Kings is the crown of 5 points, each point has a meaning: In New York:

1 - Respect, respect your brother, sister, crown and nation. A king must keep his nation had enough respect.

2 - Honesty, is marked by the v

RUTH. Your word is your crown your crown your nation. A king shall live by his word.

3 - Unity, is to be united in a single universe: one for all and all for one.

4 - Knowledge is all learned from our lessons and prayers over the nation.

5 - Love is all I feel in my heart

zon to my brother, Crown and nation. In Chicago: The mother land of the nation todapoderosa Latin Kings and Queens Love Honor sacrifice righteousness and wisdom
The crown is a symbol of power, royalty, dignity, sanctity.

The number of the Latin Kings is 5, since it is the perfection of the microcosm and the secret figure is the pentagram or 5-pointed star. He is also d
ealing with man, 5 senses, 5 fingers, 5 extremities (head included).
The black means Latin American history and death, while gold
and our future life

The head skin

According to wikipedia:

Red & Anarchist Skinheads (Cabezas Rapadas Red and Anarchist) or RASH is a group of skinheads movement of socialist ideas. It is usually associated with militancy in depressed areas of extreme leftist groups anti-neo, which has come to cause clashes between the factions.

The skinhead culture was born in England in the mid-60s, to find two previous cultures of young workers born: that of the original mods and modettes England and the rudegirls Rudeboys and imported from Jamaica by young immigrants. The aesthetics and the music of the first skins are a clear reflection and claim their multicultural influences, and their working-class pride.

Over the years, aesthetics and culture skin name has been copied by several youth groups, including far-right racist and ultra-nationalists. However, these, by denying essential elements and original skinhead lifestyle contradicts the original spirit. No true skinhead is a racist.

Traditionally favorite music is ska, rocksteady and skinhead reggae from Jamaica and the U.S. soul Then there are the two-tone ska and oi or streetpunk England. And finally the New York style hardcore. While these are the most popular musical genres, many skins hear or bands belong to the most diverse styles.

This international non-profit was founded in New York in 1993 because of disagreements with the group SHARP, because of its political neutrality. Seek to defend a skinhead culture, which for them would be communist and working class, against neo-Nazi skinheads.

They are Communists, and although there are many who are branded as petty, most are of proletarian estraccion, although there are rare exceptions. Fight for a class consciousness, from the rise of skinhead culture, some have fought in many different organizations tendencies of the Left Socialists, Trotskyists, anarchists, or autonomist Marxist-Leninists. However, the term redskin came into use in the first half of the eighties by some skinheads who chose to distance themselves from the rest of the skinhead culture (at that time to the core invaded by impostors Nazis) and created this new term for them.

Redskin culture, as distinct from the skinhead, had most of his followers in England, France and the Basque Country. They redefined their musical and aesthetic tastes in many ways, trying to get closer culturally to the interests of young workers in Europe neighborhoods. There was even a musical group of Trotskyist tendency to interpret a mixture of soul, punk and rockabilly.

It was not until the nineties when leftist militancy rediscovered traditional skinhead culture, and thereafter the term redskin has begun to be used as a synonym for left-wing skinhead whatever trend. Although there are still a few who claim the redskin as something separate from the skinhead, identifying with the "spirit of 84" after a year of further rise of the redskins in France.

The hippies

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

The hippies were part of the "movement of the 1960s counterculture. Took on a communal way of life based on love and peace, nationalism and cursed the Vietnam War, took elements of religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and religions of American Indians. They disagreed with the traditional values of middle class Americans. They believed the government paternalism, militarism, multinational corporations and traditional social values as part of a system that, in their eyes, had no legitimacy.

The hippies automarginaban of society, finding ways to live together in peace and love were the most important values. This made most strongly opposed to the doctrines, commonly accepted values and mores.

The styles of the hippies are:

• bohemian lifestyle and stripped of material needs. Were chiefly aimed at community lif
e, pacifism and free love

• they were 'pro-nuclear disarmament', hence more representative hippie symbol, which is then associated with the slogan "love and peace"

• Achieving a state of alternative spirituality or higher consciousness using hallucinogenic drugs or through meditation

• Defend the ecology

• Do not agree with the use and abuse of hard drugs like alcohol, h
eroin, amphetamines and cocaine, mainly by high
degrees of addiction that generate and because they do not accept either the drug organized around them.

• Another feature of life typical of the 60s hippie 'era nomadism and pleasure travel.
They claimed that in the travel and the human adventure of self-discovery takes a person besides their ideas open to new cultures and people.

The emos

"Emos", the tribe of sad teen
Are middle class, some who self-harm to show their grief, reject their parents and society.


There are "emos" that, among other shady practices, cut the skin as a synonym of discontent with the world around them and fantasize with suicide.

Some pairs of "emos" cut the body to carry the same brand
s as a symbol of brotherhood, which is, in times of HIV / AIDS, a health risk. To upload videos to the Internet where the arms are cut off. In fact, on You Tube in the tens of clips where young "emo" cut arms.
There are many "emos" who cut the arms to express the pain they carry inside.
They wear piercings, tattoos and, unlike the "Gothic", they tend to break up the monotony of dark clothing through a garment or accessory fluo.


* Converse or Vans shoes.
Divers adjusted to the body and hood.
Polos adjusted female patterns.
Tight jeans black.
Belts and bracelets with spikes.
Stars pink on belts or backpacks.
Sideways hair covering his eyes.

Square lenses and black frame.
Piercings on the face.
Fingernails painted black or another dark color.
Colors: pink and black mainly.
Eye makeup and lips.

They show the boxers on the outside of pants
